Q1: I have a manager who is trying to listen and lead with empathy and compassion. He’s asking all of his employees how they are doing and he consistently gets back “ok.” How can managers check in with the people on their teams that may prompt deeper responses?

Home Forums Q1: I have a manager who is trying to listen and lead with empathy and compassion. He’s asking all of his employees how they are doing and he consistently gets back “ok.” How can managers check in with the people on their teams that may prompt deeper responses? Q1: I have a manager who is trying to listen and lead with empathy and compassion. He’s asking all of his employees how they are doing and he consistently gets back “ok.” How can managers check in with the people on their teams that may prompt deeper responses?

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  • #4503

    Q1: I have a manager who is trying to listen and lead with empathy and compassion. He’s asking all of his employees how they are doing and he consistently gets back “ok.” How can managers check in with the people on their teams that may prompt deeper responses?

    People get tired of the same question. So instead of ‘how are you doing?”, try:

    • What challenges are you facing today?
    • What part of Work from Home (WFH) is going well? what’s not working as well?
    • What’s been the best part of WFH so far? what do you miss you as you WFH?
    • How can I help you be more successful as you WFH?
    • What support do you need to be even more successful at home?
    • If you had a magic wand, what would you change as you WFH?
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