Home Forums Q2: How can you coach a manager who is resistant to feedback or gets defensive?

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    Q2: How can you coach a manager who is resistant to feedback or gets defensive?

    The first step for coaches to address this issue is understanding that many times defensiveness and resistance comes from a place of fear and insecurity.  The coach’s job is to go beneath the surface emotions and support the manager in discovering the root cause (s) of their actions.

     What advice can you share to handle this type of situation?

    Often coaching and training is given a strengths-based approach, while overlooking weaknesses.  The coaching should start with the acknowledgement that the coachee’s strengths have allowed them to accomplish and reach the position they are in.  At this point, their weaknesses are what is holding the person back.  As a coach, a pivot into discovering weaknesses is a method that can unleash tremendous self-discovery in a person.

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